Best Universities in Australia

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Australia is one of the most desirable countries in the world to live, work and study. With a high quality of living, a warm climate and an outdoor lifestyle, maybe you are feeling tempted for a trip Down Under.

Whether you live in Australia, or are keen to study here, there are so many world recognised places to take a degree but choosing where to study can be difficult.

The Melbourne Institute (operated by the University of Melbourne) has recently produced Australian Universities ranking.

This table shows the standardised rankings from the quantitative survey conducted by the Melbourne Institute into the international standing of Australian universities.

The Institute examined a number of variables to determine this standardised ranking, including the international standing of staff, graduate programs, undergrad intake, undergrad programs, resources, and the views of Deans and CEOs.


  1. Australian National University 100
  2. University of Melbourne 95
  3. University of Sydney 93
  4. University of Queensland 84
  5. University of New South Wales 81
  6. Monash University 75
  7. University of Western Australia 68
  8. University of Adelaide 63
  9. Macquarie University 56
  10. Queensland University of Technology 53
  11. University of Wollongong 52
  12. La Trobe University 52
  13. University of Newcastle 51
  14. University of Tasmania 50
  15. Griffith University 50
  16. University of Technology,Sydney 49
  17. Curtin University of Technology 48
  18. Flinders University 48
  19. Murdoch University 47
  20. RMIT University 46
  21. University of South Australia 46
  22. Deakin University 45
  23. University of New England 45
  24. University of Western Sydney 44
  25. James Cook University 44
  26. Swinburne University of Technology 43
  27. Southern Cross University 41
  28. University of Canberra 41
  29. Victoria University 41
  30. Australian Catholic University 40
  31. Charles Sturt University 40
  32. University of Southern Queensland 38
  33. University of Ballarat 38
  34. University of the Sunshine Coast 38
  35. Edith Cowan University 37
  36. Charles Darwin University 30
  37. Central Queensland University 30

As very much expected, Australian National University headed the list followed by University of Melbourne. These are two of the most highly rated places to study in the world so it is easy to see how they topped the list.

Have you been to study in Australia? Let us know your thoughts. Or if you fancy moving here, these websites can help make it happen:

Study in Australia
Gap year in Australia
Work in Australia