How to Prevent Boredom During the Christmas Break

When we reach that fabulous time of year when hand-ins are passing, the last few lectures are nearing and your mum’s roast turkey dinner is getting ever closer.

If you are one of the fortunate students like myself and have now handed in all your assignments that were due before the Christmas break, then you would have all breathed a unanimous sigh of relief as you handed over those essays and projects that have killed your social life for weeks. The sweet smell of freedom is here (or near for some) and soon the sweet smell of Christmas will be too.

But with all the excitement of going home, having your washing done and your food cooked for you, it can be forgotten how different life at home is to uni life. I know I certainly get swept up in the thought of home comforts for three weeks and sometimes forget that at home, there’s no work, no uni friends and unfortunately no cheap nights out.

In fact, some may say that being at home is boring in comparison to the busy life we all lead away from our parents. So as important as it is to relax and enjoy the break, you really don’t want to come back in the New Year having wasted three weeks at home sitting on your bum and watching tv.

Here are some useful tips to keep yourself busy, motivated and most importantly…not bored:

1. Make use of the time

Friends drinking wine

At home and arrange to see friends that perhaps you don’t see enough of. Whether they are working or are a student too ask if they want to get together over Christmas. This will show that you’re making an effort, will give you friend brownie points and give you something to get up for!

2. Power on with those work experience emails

Laptop writing

No matter what course you are studying, any work experience is good experience and looks great on your cv. So what better time to get on the phone, send out letters and pester companies for dates than when you have a free schedule?

3. Jump start your reading for next semester

Many of you may turn your noses up at the thought of doing work during your Christmas break which is fair enough but for those organised readers who hate sitting down twiddling your thumbs, a trip to the library to read up on next year’s modules can’t hurt, can it?

4. Make time for things you never have the time for

Whether it’s clearing out your wardrobe, finding things to buy on Ebay or simply reading a book or magazine, take this rare opportunity.

As tempting as it is to stay in bed all day and watch Friends re-runs whilst you can, make use of this free time because as soon as uni starts again, your diary will be jam-packed.

You’re having a laugh if you think next semester will be any easier so sit and do what you love best whilst you can.

5. Earn a bit of money if possible

This will always come in handy for over Christmas or for your next term.

If you work during your term time then maybe a break is in order but if not, asking for a few shifts in your local pub or going back to the shop you work in over the summer will keep you occupied and put a few pounds in your pocket – and what student doesn’t love money?

If you have a flexible schedule you could also find a job online or apply for short term seasonal work at home or abroad, lots of jobs are probably available near where you live and also on the continent – who wouldn’t want to spend a few weeks working at a spectacular ski resort?!

6. Spend time with your family

This is oh so cliché and for those of you who aren’t that close with your loved ones, this might be the last thing you want to do but it is Christmas and when else do you spend quality time with them in between your classes, workload and partying? Trust me they will really appreciate it and you may even enjoy it too

7. Plan a Short Break

Train mountains Switzerland

Want to get in the festive spirit? If you don’t have money issues, or tons of studying or coursework to be doing why not plan a break to enjoy some of the best Christmas markets in Europe. You could go interrailing if you really want to see multiple places as part of the same trip.

So yes it is important to relax, take time out and recuperate after a hard semester but don’t let the boredom settle in and your motivation slide. Make the most of your time at home and it will soon be the New Year where your independent student life can continue.